Thursday, June 24, 2010

Let's talk about love...

There is no one who could convince me that I do not love my wife. Darn it, somewhere along the line she got chubby, could all you women who read this please stop that (it is only for your own good). However, she cooks for me, rubs my back and my feet, washes my clothes, she even prays for me...could it get any better? SO TELL ME WHAT DOES YOUR SPOUSE DO FOR YOU THAT MAKES YOU FELL SO SPECIAL? and what will you do to make her feel like that?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Traffic sites are like a dog chasing his own tail...

I am sorry but I just do not understand all the hype about the traffic exchange sites; isn't it like a dog chasing his own tail? As a client on one of these sites, do you honestly look at the other sites? Or, are you just so caught up in the euphoria that comes from visiting 1000 sites a day so that your site will be presented at least ten times a day to all those other people? They (all those other people) are there for the same reason you are: to get points so that others will look at their site. Maybe you could justify your involvement if you actually click around each site and check it out as a prospective business, but then wouldn't your energy in promoting your own product fade? Who is the king of the hill in this scenario? The traffic site owner, I would say; but I have this belief that people will wise up and that the traffic exchange is a fad...on it's way out along with pet rocks and white eye shadow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Hear They Made A See-Through Frog

Technology is a wonder. I think I will donate all of my non-working computers, VCRs and vacuum cleaners to all the little boys that need to take one apart and put it back together. Teach our children technology, but balance it with old-time skills as well. I made sure our wall clock had hands, when I realized that my kids could only read a digital clock. What skills do you think have been lost? (I am sure everyone will agree that knowing technology is a good thing; but I want to know about the old skills dear to you).

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What does GOING GREEN mean to you?

Is the planet doomed no matter what?...or do you believe the planet will protect itself from mankind, if we do not change?
Please comment to this post...I am interested in what you have to say on this matter.